Ageless, beautiful and useful.


About us


We are a family-run property development company with thirty years' experience in delivering thoughtfully designed, beautifully laid out, aesthetically pleasing and extremely sustainable residential and office projects. We operate in Wrocław and the surrounding areas.


Our driving forces for the creation of future projects are mainly aesthetics and sustainability. Aesthetics, because we want to design buildings that are not only functional, but also beautiful and blend harmoniously into the urban landscape. Durability is key for us, as we rely on materials of the highest quality to ensure that our buildings will serve future generations of Wrocław residents.

Our portfolio of developments includes small, cosy estates with well-thought-out infrastructure, shared spaces for residents and boutique, comfortable high-end offices. We have built offices both in newly constructed buildings and in a revitalised, almost 100-year-old building.

We want to make sure that the developments create an intimate, pleasant microclimate and that the flats offer space through large areas, large windows, terraces and gardens."

When we start an investment project, we know exactly what we want to create, what features and amenities the investment is to have and what will be its strengths. We place great emphasis on revitalising the local community and beautifying the Wrocław's city fabric.




In realising our vision for the city, we have strong support.

We invite the best architects who share a vision with ours to work with us on new developments. The projects that come out of their hands are always fully functional and timeless.

We belong to the Partner Business Club - a business organisation thanks to which we constantly establish new valuable business contacts.

"We believe that surrounding ourselves with aesthetics and culture, are important and bring value to our lives."

Culture and art are extremely close to our hearts, which is why we initiate projects in cooperation with Wrocław's cultural environment, in particular supporting young artists at the beginning of their professional path.

For years, we have been one of the sponsors of KPR Kobierzyce. Thanks to our support, the team has won gold and silver medals at Lower Silesian and Polish handball championships on more than one occasion.



Responsible building
Wiemy, jaka odpowiedzialność spoczywa na biznesie, dlatego mamy na uwadze zrównoważony rozwój i dbanie o środowisko w naszej pracy.
Top architects
Pracujemy z uznanymi i nagradzanymi architektami, którym bliskie są nasze wartości, wizje i cele
High quality materials
Wiemy, że wysokiej klasy budownictwo zaczyna się od wysokiej klasy materiałów użytych do ich budowy.
Attention to detail
Chcemy aby nasze projekty wnosiły wartość dodaną do tkanki miasta.
A dedicated team of specialists
Wszystko, co robimy, robimy wspólnie z lokalnymi społecznościami i  poszanowaniem dla istniejącej tkanki miasta.




Piękny Wrocław

Piękny Wrocław, edition XXVIII (2018), award for the VIC HOUSE office and service building, 20a Zwycięska Street, Wrocław.


Developer Roku

Developer of the year 2012 title for Rodis Development sp. z o.o.o awarded by Muratorplus magazine.


Inwestycja Roku

The title Investment of the Year 2012 for Apartamenty przy Mińska, 26 Mińska Street, awarded by Muratorplus magazine.

Ponadczasowe, piękne i funkcjonalne

Tworzymy estetyczne, przyciągające wzrok budynki. Kładziemy ogromny nacisk na estetykę i funkcjonalność. Korzystamy tylko z najwyższej klasy materiałów.


Rodis Sp. z o.o.
ul. Zaolziańska 4
53-334 Wrocław


T.    71 79 26 001

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